Doctor Mitaishvili’s Commencement Notes

January 28, 2009

My heartiest and special congratulations to Carolina Cobian, Andrea Larreynaga, Consuelo Medina, Wendy Pulido, and Albert Hernandez.

Having worked for years in the medical field I applaud anyone that decides that they want to become a student for any medical specialty. But I’ve met my share of people that seem to have stepted on medical field for “the money” or who once they became medical professional, wanted to do something else with their lives.
Today you have all arrived at a proud juncture in your careers.   Of course, there are more years of training to hone your skills, but receipt of your knowledge marks your entry into the ranks of a professional in health care. I emphasize the word “professional”. 

You entered LA Vocational as a lay person. Now each of you is emerging transformed to a young, though green, professional. This transformation means that you are now expected to interact with society in a fundamentally different manner than when you walked in our doors as a lay person. Society expects that transformation to have occurred-in fact, society takes it for granted that we as a LA Vocational Institute validate that transformation. This societal responsibility is the motivating force behind our competency-based exam. Every patient you encounter will automatically have lofty expectations and assumptions about you. They bestow you with a power over themselves and others. On the one hand, you must never take this power for granted, because you can loose it and the trust your patients have in you-a trust that when lost is difficult if not impossible to regain. On the other hand, you must realize the profound responsibility such power and influence entail.

Every class is unique in its personality and experiences. This one is no exception. From here on, much of your learning in life will not be from reading textbooks or learning from lecture notes, instead it will be from experience at work and from the people you meet. You need to have the inquisitiveness of mind to learn from every experience and the humility to learn from anyone.
As you embark on the next phase of your life journey, you will face many challenges – remember stay connected with your classmates, lectures, friends, and family and seek guidance.They will be able to give you the best advice and support.
Also recall, the principals and values you learned during your academic endeavors: discipline, personal integrity, care, concern, openness, responsibility and excellence. They should be able to see you through difficult situations.

After all in a some time you are about to become one of those professionals that patients seek as they face their challenges. When you are a patient you want far more than a person that knows a lot of facts. In addition to being all knowing, you want them to drop everything they are doing, be it at home or at work, and focus on you. One of the tenants of professionalism is that you as a professional are expected to put the needs of others ahead of your own-this is what that means. It is sometimes difficult to grasp this concept until you turn it around and put yourself in the position of a patient.

For the ill, we should stand for life. And for all of us, hope.

See the power and profound responsibility that is now on your shoulders as you walk across this stage today to signify your transformation from a lay person to a medical professional. Are you ready to accept that responsibility? Are you ready to take this walk? I’m confident that you are ready; I’m confident that you will uphold the highest standards of professionalism; I’m confident that you will care FOR and ABOUT your patients; I’m confident that you will be ambassadors for the profession of medicine demonstrating in your acts and deeds all that the word profession represents.

We celebrate your transformation and congratulate you on this special day as you take the next step in your journey towards being for all of us, hope. It was hard for me to say good-bye to my best students Carolina Cobian, Andrea Larreynaga, Consuelo Medina, Wendy Pulido, and Albert Hernandez.They have been recognized for them student participation and achievements.Students chosen are considered to be among the most promising graduate students I had. These graduated students will be my friends for life.

Ramaz Mitaishvili, MD

Los Angeles, CA

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